Feeling overwhelmed about choosing the armor of God Bible lesson plans for your Sunday School class or children’s ministry? Read these 5 straightforward tips for how to choose the best armor of God lesson series for Sunday School to get fun, hands-on product ideas for successfully teaching the armor of God for kids at church!
You’re teaching the full armor of God lesson series for Sunday School.
It’s already on the schedule.
But now that you’re searching for which Armor of God lesson plans to use for church, you’re feeling overwhelmed and confused.
There are so many options to choose from!
Do you go with the glossy pre-packaged Sunday School curriculum that’s designed for huge churches with budgets way bigger than yours? Or do you try to piece together Armor of God lesson plans for Sunday School from the Internet for free?
Do you need crafts? What about music?
How essential are student workbooks? Can you get away with a free coloring page instead?
The number of variables are overwhelming and paralyzing.
And if you’re like me, you’re afraid you’ll spring for the curriculum that looks and sounds so good but is, honestly, out of your budget–only to discover after you buy it that it isn’t suited for your Sunday School at all.
What a waste of money.
On the other hand, you know from previous experience how much work it is to pull together lessons for free. You never can find exactly what you need. And some of the free printables you’ve found are pretty bad. You’re afraid you’ll hate the process of assembling the lessons–only to have your kids hate the lessons, too, because they’re just so lame.
But it doesn’t have to be this way! You can actually choose the best armor of God lesson plans for Sunday School, and you can do it without breaking a sweat.
You simply need 5 basic tips for how to choose the best armor of God lessons for Sunday School. 😉
Armed with these 5 tips, you’ll be able to quickly and efficiently evaluate which curriculum will give you the best armor of God lesson series for Sunday School at your church. And you’ll be able to choose your curriculum with confidence, knowing that you’ll get your money’s worth–and you’ll get a curriculum that your kids will actually like.
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Be confident you’re choosing the best armor of God lesson plans for kids.
With these 5 tips, you’ll be confident that your armor of God curriculum will:
- Actually work. Your kids will truly enjoy your lessons and you won’t have to stress over bored, distracted kids. You’ll be confident that you’ve chosen armor of God lesson plans that are right for your kids.
- Be within budget. You won’t be coerced into buying overpriced armor of God lessons that under-deliver. Instead, you’ll be confident that you’re choosing the best armor of God lesson series for your Sunday School at the price that’s right for you.
- Suit YOU. The biggest problem with most armor of God Sunday School lesson plans is that they aren’t a good fit for your Sunday School class. But if you follow my 5 tips for choosing the best armor of God lesson series for Sunday School, you’ll be confident that you have the curriculum that is perfect for you.
So are you ready to confidently choose the best armor of God lesson plans for Sunday School–and not just any Sunday School, but your Sunday School? Then let’s get to it!
5 tips for choosing the best Armor of God lesson plans
In a nutshell, these are the 5 questions that you should ask yourself when you’re trying to find the best armor of God lesson series for Sunday School:
- Will it catch (and keep) the kids’ attention?
- Is it biblical?
- Is it life-changing?
- Does it include conversation opportunities?
- Does it fit within your budget?
Scroll down to read more about each of these 5 questions for choosing the best armor of God lesson series for Sunday School!
1. Will it catch (and keep) the kids’ attention?
It doesn’t matter how solid and meaningful a lesson plan is. If you can’t catch your kids’ interest to begin with, then they are never going to hear the meaningful part of a lesson. So as simple and as basic as it seems, you really need to consider this question first.
You’re never going to get anywhere with a lesson if you can’t catch your kids’ attention from the get-go.
So take a good look at each set of armor of God lesson plans for Sunday School. Do they give you an idea or an activity that will catch your kids’ attention right away? And then do they immediately continue with interesting, fun content?
If the answer to this first question is “no,” then you will have your work cut out for you. Do you really want to face that obstacle every week? If you’re not prepared to break your brain thinking of out-of-the-box ideas for catching your kids’ attention, then you probably want to move along to another armor of God curriculum.
But if the answer to this first question is “yes,” then you’re on your way! Move ahead to the next question.
2. Is it biblical?
Now we’re looking at the other extreme. Some armor of God lesson series for Sunday School are very exciting and even entertaining. Your kids will be caught up in all the hype, and you’ll have no problem keeping their attention.
The problem with some of these armor of God lesson plans? They have absolutely no substance. They barely skim the surface of the Scriptures. In fact, they seem to be only lightly based on the Bible. The majority of the class time focuses on skits, high-tech visual aids, etc.
Now don’t get me wrong–I am ALL for using anything and everything to keep your kids’ interest! But if you’re keeping your kids interested, but never actually showing them what the Bible says, then you are not successfully teaching. You’re simply entertaining. And you’re not doing your kids any favors.
The whole purpose of keeping kids’ attention is so you can teach them what the Bible says.
In light of that, don’t be afraid to be picky about your armor of God lessons! If a armor of God lesson series for Sunday School doesn’t actually teach much from the Bible, then throw it out. Choose something that will truly teach your kids Scripture.
3. Is it life-changing?
This question goes hand-in-hand with the last one. It stems from the ultimate goal we have as Bible teachers–to truly make a difference in our kids’ lives.
There’s no point in simply increasing our kids’ knowledge of the Bible. That won’t save them. It won’t make their lives any different than kids who don’t go to Sunday School.
The whole purpose of teaching the Bible to kids is to help them develop a life-changing relationship with God.
So it’s important to look for an armor of God Sunday School curriculum that focuses on application, too. Make sure that each lesson ends with questions or even activities that will help the kids remember, understand, and then use what they’ve learned through the lesson.
If your armor of God lesson series for Sunday School doesn’t include anything about application, you’ll have to do the hard work yourself. You’ll have to come up with questions and activities that will get your kids thinking and help them apply the lesson.
If you’re willing to do that, cool. But I think it’s far better to find lesson plans that include application prompts that are tailor-made for the lesson.
So look for an armor of God lesson series that focuses on actually making an impact in your kids’ lives.
4. Does it include conversation opportunities?
This question builds on #3. If you’re focused on life-change, you’ll want to discuss the lesson afterwards with your kids.
But as you know so well, kids aren’t “into” sitting and talking. They just aren’t.
So I love to use crafts and activities as discussion prompts. While their hands are busy, they are far more likely to talk freely with you about the lesson.
Instead of using crafts and activities as extra time-fillers, use them as springboards for discussion!
In order to do that, you’ll need crafts and/or activities that are designed to complement the lesson. Ideally, they should provoke discussion naturally. At the very least, it should be easy for you to open up a conversation based on the activity at hand.
This is kind of rare to find. But it is one of the MOST important elements of any excellent Bible curriculum. And if you truly want the absolute best armor of God lesson series for Sunday School, then you should look for crafts and activities that prompt conversations about the lesson.
5. Does it fit within your budget?
My “small church” roots are going to show right now, but I’ll admit it:
I’m shocked by those 250-dollar Sunday School sets.
These big publishing companies seem to think that we all have tons of extra money in our church budgets!
Now, I’m 100% for spending money to get whatever it is you need for your Sunday School. But I’m very, very troubled by curriculum that’s over-priced, and then under-delivers.
You do NOT need to be spending hundreds of dollars on an armor of God lesson series for your Sunday School that doesn’t satisfactorily meet the last 4 requirements I shared. Don’t be tempted by the shiny packaging. Instead, look for armor of God lesson plans that will:
- actually interest your kids
- teach them what the Bible says
- make a difference in their lives
- give you opportunities to discuss together
Don’t settle for something less than that. And definitely don’t pay hundreds of dollars for anything that delivers less than that!
On the other hand, when you find a fantastic armor of God curriculum for Sunday School that absolutely nails all of these requirements… GRAB IT!!
Don’t settle for mediocre Sunday School curriculum.
Quit spending money on lame Bible lessons that your kids hate anyway. But DO make room in your budget for truly excellent Sunday School curriculum. Be willing to spend what you need to snag the best armor of God lesson series for Sunday School, when you find it.
And if there isn’t money in the budget? Don’t be afraid to dip into your own funds, too. After all, you are making an impact on eternity with these lesson plans.
When you truly find THE best armor of God lesson series for your Sunday School, then spend what you need to get it. But don’t spend money on anything less than the best. 😉
Confidently choose the best armor of God lesson series for Sunday School.
I know that all the options out there get confusing. But you are equipped now!
With these 5 questions, you can confidently evaluate every armor of God curriculum you come across. And you can confidently choose the armor of God lesson series that is best for YOU. ❤
Get free Armor of God lesson plans!
Want FREE lesson plans for the armor of God that nail all five of the requirements above?
I have a set that I am happy to make available to you at absolutely no cost! Simply sign up using your email, and I’ll send the printable armor of God lesson plans directly to your inbox.
Click the image below for more info about my FREE printable armor of God lesson plans!
And have fun teaching the armor of God to your kids. 🙂
Katie says
Okay, this is going to sound crazy, but I found your food blog about a month ago and you had a whole 30 compliant Italian dressing recipe that I didn’t write down. Now since that blog is gone, I can’t access it. Is there anyway to access that? Thanks…Btw…this website looks like a neat resource to use one I have children…keep up the good work.
Sarah at BibleBaton says
Hi Katie! Yes, I decided that food blogging just wasn’t my “thing.” I’ll email you the Italian dressing recipe, though. 😉 And thank you very much for your kind words! 🙂