Hi, I’m Sarah!
I’m here to help you make the Bible fascinating and hopefully life-changing to your kids, without taking tons of your time or money!
I love sharing:
- creative Bible lesson plans
- simple crafts
- unique activities
- teaching tips
- and more
And everything I share is meaningful, yet easy & inexpensive.
In other words…
I’m here to help you succeed as a Bible teacher.
If you want to become a Bible teacher that kids love–and make an actual difference in their lives, too–then you’re in the right place.
Welcome to BibleBaton!

Join more than 15,000 other Bible teachers and get free printable teaching materials conveniently in your inbox!
Here’s a sampling of the posts you’ll find here:
Creative Bible Lessons
Present God’s Word in a way that’s fun & interesting to your kids.
Simple Bible Craft Ideas & Unique Bible Activities
Reinforce your lesson with inexpensive hands-on craft projects that kids will love.
Helpful Teaching Tips
Occasionally, I also share curriculum reviews, resource lists, Bible study tips, and other bits & pieces that I think will be useful to you as a Bible teacher.
Do I know what I’m talking about?
Good question!
I’ve worked with kids in many different ministries & jobs over the years:
- I was a summer camp counselor for 10+ years.
- I served as activities director for 3rd-8th grade kids for over 5 years.
- I have more than 15 years’ experience as a kids’ club leader, Vacation Bible School volunteer, and Sunday School teacher.
And I’m trained & certified both in theology and in education:
- I have a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies from a Bible college (plus a certificate in Biblical Studies from another school).
- I’m a certified Montessori teacher and I worked for several years in Montessori schools, with a variety of ages.
- My written work (devotionals, mainly) has been featured in Christian children’s publications such as Keys for Kids and Devozine.
That all might sound impressive, but at heart, I’m just a simple non-denominational, Bible-believing follower of Jesus who’s passionate about sharing God’s Word with kids!

My teaching philosophy
Make it meaningful
Over the years, I’ve developed a couple of outstanding convictions about kids’ ministry:
I believe that Bible lessons should be totally fun, but NOT “fluffy.”
And I believe that crafts and other activities should be supplements to the lesson, NOT cute “busywork.”
When I teach the Bible to kids, I’m not out to simply fill up my hour. I’m out to change kids’ lives.
It’s imperative to me that lessons, crafts, & activities be biblically sound and meaningful, as well as kid-friendly and fun.
Make it attainable
But I come from a super small church with a tiny budget. I know how it feels to view that expensive, big-box VBS curriculum as an absolute impossibility.
So I also always try to come up with games and crafts that require very few special materials (and I’ll direct you to the cheapest source I can find, too). And I make it a point to keep my own Bible curricula reasonably priced.
If you come from a small church and you’re struggling to come up with materials that will be interesting & meaningful to your kids without breaking the bank–or requiring hours of prep time–then you are exactly my kind of person.
I write for you.
And I’m so excited you’re here!
Feel free to look around at the variety of resources I’ve posted. And if you like what you see, PLEASE be sure to subscribe–because I share all kinds of extra goodies with my fellow Bible teachers by email!
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A Quick Statement of Faith
- I believe that the Bible is inerrant, inspired of God, and our most precious and trusted source of absolute truth. I believe it is the main means by which God reveals Himself to us in this day and age, and I believe that He Himself is to be found and known in its pages if we will look for Him. I believe that God’s Word is active and alive, and has the power to change lives. I believe that our job is to simply share it, and then God can use it to convict and to transform those who hear it and heed it.
- I believe that there’s one God, the living Creator, Redeemer, and Ruler of everything. I believe He’s all-holy, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-wise. I believe He is a righteous and just Judge, and I also believe that He loves us beyond description and deeply desires for our hearts to be drawn to His. I believe the Trinity–the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit–are God in three Persons, unified yet distinct.
- I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, fully God and fully man. I believe he was born of a virgin and lived a perfect and holy life, totally pleasing to God the Father, and then gave His life as a ransom for mankind. I believe that His substitutionary death on the cross was completely satisfactory to God, the Judge, for our pardon and redemption. I believe He was raised from the dead with a glorified body as evidence of the sufficiency of His sacrifice for our sins and His triumph over death. I believe that He is sitting now at the right hand of God, interceding for us.
- I believe that Christ, and Christ alone, by grace through faith, is the only means by which we may be saved from the penalty, power, and ultimately the presence of sin, and be made right with God. I believe that salvation is offered freely to anyone who chooses to repent of his sin and accept Jesus as Savior and Lord.
- I believe that we are made in the image of God. I believe we are designed for relationship and fellowship with God. But due to the repercussions of Adam and Even’s original sin, I believe we are all born with a sinful nature, inherited from our parents, and that our sin separates us from God, who is holy. I believe we are incomplete and unfulfilled apart from Him, and that true joy and satisfaction is found in unhindered relationship with Him!
- I believe that, when we trust in Christ for salvation, we are immediately made right with God. We are a new creation, we’re adopted as God’s children, we’re brought into fellowship with Him, and we’re filled with the Holy Spirit. Our position immediately changes. We also begin the day-by-day process of being made more and more like Christ. And ultimately, we will be taken to be with the Lord for eternity, where we will be freed from the presence of sin forever.
- I believe the global church is the body of Christ, made up of all true believers, and its Head is Christ. I believe we instantly become members of the global church at the moment of salvation. I believe that the church is the main means of God’s work in the world today, and is responsible to serve as a testimony in the world both as individuals and as a whole.
- I believe the local church is a group of local believers who regularly gather together in the name of the Lord, under the leadership established by Him, for the purpose of teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer. I believe each local church should be autonomous. I believe each local church ought to be a testimony for Christ to its local community.
- I believe that baptism involves immersion of a new believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I do not believe that baptism in any way contributes to salvation; salvation is by faith in Christ alone. Rather, I believe baptism is a testimony to those witnessing, an act of obedience symbolizing the new believer’s death to sin and resurrection to walk in newness of life.
- I believe that Jesus loves the little children and desires for them to come to Him. I believe that He will honor our efforts to share His love and His truth with them. And I believe that the message of Scripture which we share with them has the power to transform their lives forever!
Again, my whole heart is to help you make the Bible fascinating and engaging to your kiddoes, so they will hear it and heed it–and hopefully be changed forever by it.
I look forward to helping you “pass the faith along” to your kiddoes!