Need some fun and simple Easter crafts for kids? Here are 3 creative ideas for how to make easy Easter crafts for Sunday School or children’s ministry! These fun resurrection crafts for kids use inexpensive supplies like watercolors and tissue paper–all while emphasizing that Jesus isn’t on the cross anymore. He is risen!

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This Easter, Use Resurrection Crafts for Sunday School
The Christian faith isn’t like any other religion. We have a leader who LIVES.
Our Savior not only died for us, but rose again from the dead. He’s not on the cross. He’s not in the tomb. He is risen!
Want a fun, simple way to help your kids remember that incredible truth? Try one of these 3 easy Easter crafts for Sunday School!
3 Easy Easter Crafts for Kids
All three of these resurrection crafts for Sunday School are super easy and simple to prep, which means you don’t have to stress over any of them.
These Easter crafts for church are easy for the kids, too. You could even use one of these simple Easter crafts for preschoolers or kindergarteners!
And most importantly, these easy Easter craft ideas for Sunday School all center around one theme:
He’s not here. He is risen!
So you can use one of these super simple “He is risen” crafts for kids at church to teach your kids the important truth that Jesus isn’t on the cross anymore–He is risen!
Scroll down to discover easy Easter crafts to make for Sunday School now.
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He is Risen Craft Idea #1: Scratch Board Crosses
These “scratchies,” as we call them, are the easiest Easter craft for Sunday School you’ll ever find. Even your preschoolers can do this one! And it is incredibly fast and easy to set up. It’s one of our “fallback” crafts, as a matter of fact, because it is just so simple. And it’s fun to see how each child’s craft turns out so differently.
Supplies Needed
Scratch board crosses. You can get a set of 25 scratch board crosses for an extremely reasonable price.
Scratch sticks. You have to use a certain type of wooden scratch stick like these with these scratch boards. Because this is such an easy craft, I’d highly recommend getting a good number of the scratch sticks (more than what’s included with the scratch boards). You can easily reuse them with a variety of scratch board shapes with different lessons.
“He’s not here. He is risen” paper strips. Older children may prefer to scratch the message directly on their crosses, and that’s fine too. But to make it easy for younger children, you can type up the message, “He’s not here. He is risen.” Then print it out and cut it into small strips that can be glued onto the cross as a reminder that Jesus is no longer there!
Craft Instructions
- Use the wooden scratch stick to scratch a design on the scratch board cross.
- After the design is finished, glue the paper strip to the cross as a reminder that Jesus is risen!
He is Risen Craft Idea #2: Watercolor Crosses
This simple craft for kids looks SO cool when it is finished! It uses a special paper and watercolors to create a stunning marbled effect. And it’s a beautiful complementary activity for teaching the resurrection to kids in your Sunday School class.
Supplies Needed
Watercolor paper. When you paint this special watercolor paper, it reacts with gorgeous blending and spreading effects!
Watercolor paints. You can get watercolor paints in bottles for your church, so you don’t have to mess with those individual watercolor palettes.
Paintbrushes. If you don’t already have some, you can get a pack of children’s paintbrushes inexpensively.
Scissors. I recommend kid-safe scissors like these for children’s ministry.
Glitter glue pen. You’ll use glitter glue pens to write the message of the resurrection on the cross.
Craft Instructions
- Drip, drizzle, flick, or brush watercolor paint on the watercolor paper cross.
- Allow the watercolor to dry, then use scissors to cut a large cross shape out of the paper.
- When dry, use a glitter glue stick to write on the cross, “He’s not here. He is risen!” as a reminder that Jesus is no longer on the cross, but is alive!
He is Risen Craft Idea #3: Tissue Paper Crosses
This neat Easter craft for Sunday School uses tissue paper to create a “stained glass” effect over the resurrection message!
Supplies Needed
Wooden crosses. I recommend buying a set of wooden crosses like these online, because it is far less expensive than similar products in local stores.
Permanent markers. If you have small children, you can also use washable markers, but I recommend permanent markers because they make the resurrection message more visible.
Glue. You’ll use this both to seal the message, and to glue on the tissue paper. All you need is basic white school glue.
Tissue paper. Try to only use lighter colors of tissue paper, so that the resurrection message still shows through clearly. You will either need to cut the paper into small squares, or also supply scissors to your class so that they can cut the paper into squares. Or, you can grab a pack of these mini tissue squares and save yourself a whole lot of trouble! 😉
Craft Instructions
- Use permanent marker to write “He’s not here. He is risen!” in thick, dark letters across the wooden cross.
- Apply a thin layer of glue over the message to seal it. Allow to dry.
- Now, use glue to apply small squares of tissue paper randomly on the cross, creating a “stained glass” look. Continue gluing tissue paper to the cross until it is covered in glue.
- Spread a thin layer of glue over the entire cross, to seal the tissue paper. Allow to dry.
Easy Easter Crafts for Sunday School
Instead of feeling stressed because you forgot to prep a fantastic Easter craft for your Sunday School class this year, simply plan to use one of these three easy-peasy resurrection crafts.
Still need some other Easter crafts to make for kids? Check out 12 more awesome craft ideas based on the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Or scroll down for even more Easter ideas for children’s ministry…
More Fun & Easy Easter Ideas!
Be sure to take a look at this fun, active Bible game idea for Easter–perfect for engaging even the wiggliest kids at church.
You may also be interested in this FREE Easter Bible lesson for Sunday School or children’s ministry.
And if you’d like Easter lessons, crafts, games, worksheets and more–all together in one convenient bundle–then click HERE for info on “Risen: 4 Lessons for Kids on the Death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ.”
Or, fill out your name and email address below for a printable Easter lesson to use with your children.
And enjoy “passing the faith along” to your kiddoes!